How to share your stories:

Call & Text
the Blue Line!
This is a dedicated phone line for community members both on and off campus that would like to leave a voicemail or text message as their story.
The Blue Line is a physical iPhone installed on campus – no one will answer the phone, and no one can see who is calling / texting aside from your moderator, the artist.
They will hear it, though! Volume is turned up and hooked to a speaker to project. Though you are away, you may have your presence known.
These messages will be collected by the artist, either transcribed or run through an audio program to retain anonymity, then posted to the website.​
Be sure to check out the Community Guidelines for further details on privacy considerations.
On campus presence: In addition to the soundscape of the iphone ringing and pinging, there are 2 TV screens that will show quotes pulled from the website. Additionally, there is an iMac station where visitors may leave stories under a guest account, and view the website in its entirety. There will be audio quotes from a speaker in the Emeritus Gallery.
Leave a Written Story
There are a few options here for you. ​There is the Forum linked below, where community members may post a story and have the comments section open to have a longer conversation. Each post will be held until the artist moderator can review for community safety.
Or – you may either text the Blue Line or send an email here:
The artist moderator will then post it to the website Forum section.
On campus presence: There are 2 TV screens that will show quotes pulled from the website. Additionally, there is an iMac station where visitors may leave stories under a guest account, and view the website in its entirety.

On Campus?
Leave a voice recording!
The Red Line / The Yellow Line
Two additional phone stations are installed throughout the MCAD campus for the duration of the show, which runs from July 4th – August 4th, 2024.
Both are recorders in the shape of a phone, capable of receiving voice messages. These messages will be collected by the artist, either transcribed or run through an audio program to retain anonymity, then posted to the website. Be sure to check out the Community Guidelines for further details on privacy considerations.